Why take Baby Basics?
Our goal is to increase your confidence in caring for infants and small children. If you are a parent, parent-to-be, grandparent, family member or caregiver, this course is for you!
Understand the difference between an illness/injury and normal baby language
Learn how to care for a choking infant, provide CPR and respond to many other potential emergencies
Provide you with the tools to make your baby's environment as safe as possible
Preview some lessons!
Sample videos directly from the course
Temperature Check
Course Topics
Start here! Intro to Baby Basics
Baby Language
- Chapter Goals
- How do we assess?
- Look - Head
- Look - Head
- Look - Chest/Belly
- Look - Skin
- Look - Chest/Belly/Skin
- Look - Diaper
- Look - Whole Body
- Assessment - Extremities
- Listen
- Feel or "feelings"
- How to check their temperature FREE PREVIEW
- Response to temperature check
- Normal Baby Language
- Baby Red Flags
- Baby Language Quiz
- Chapter References
The Safety Essentials
- Chapter Goals
- Why is this important?
- Newborn Safe Practices
- Infant Safe Practices
- Toddler Safe Practices
- Household Injury Prevention
- Household Poisoning
- Tool and Toy Safety
- Supervision
- Preparing for Emergencies
- Safety Quiz
- Chapter References
- Chapter Goals
- Why is this topic in every baby course and book?
- Prevention
- Introducing Solids
- Signs of Choking
- Actions - Partial Blockage
- Actions - Complete Blockage
- Actions - Infant Demo FREE PREVIEW
- Actions - Infant Mannequin Demo
- If things worsen or symptoms persist
- Choking Quiz
- Chapter References
- Chapter Goals
- First, what can lead to do this
- Signs of Arrest
- Signs of Arrest - How to assess
- Actions - CPR
- Actions - CPR Video Demo
- Actions - AED Video
- AED - Breakdown
- CPR Quiz
- References
Head Injuries
- Chapter Goals
- Why are babies at risk?
- Concussion Discussion
- Assessment FREE PREVIEW
- Call 911
- Doctor
- Are you in the clear?
- Home treatment
- Shaken Baby Syndrome
- Baby Brain Quiz
- References
Breaks and Bruises
- Chapter Goals
- Bone Muscle and Joint Injury - Assessment
- Bone, Muscle and Joint Injury - Actions
- Bruises - Assessment
- Bruises - Actions
- Special Circumstances
- Special Circumstances Continued
- Further attention needed
- Breaks and Bruises Quiz
- Chapter References
Infectious Diseases & Where to Find Them
- Chapter Goals
- The Red Flags
- Stop the Spread
- When to keep kids home
- Lumps, bumps and blisters
- Coughs, mucous and germs galore
- Puke and poop causing bugs
- Infectious Disease Quiz FREE PREVIEW
- Chapter References
Allergic Reactions
- Chapter Goals
- What is an allergy?
- Introduction of Allergens
- Types of Reactions
- Treatment - Anaphylactic
- Treatment - Epi pen demo
- Treatment - General
- Allergy Facts
- Allergies Quiz
- Chapter References
Hot and cold emergencies
- Chapter Goals
- Beat the Heat
- Heat Exhaustion & Heat Stroke
- Fevers - less than 6 months
- Fevers - greater than 6 months
- Cover up in the cold
- Hypothermia
- Frostbite
- Hot & Cold Quiz
- Chapter References
Communicating with Healthcare Professionals
- Chapter Goals
- Calling 911
- When EMS Arrives
- In the Emergency Department
- At the clinic
- Chapter References
- Baby Basics Course Completion Survey

I feel more confident!
by Dallas

Relatable, valuable and easy to understand
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Meet the Creator
Jessica Conti BN RN, Certified Health & Safety Instructor, Mommy

Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take to complete the course?
It takes approximately 2 hours to take the course. However, you are able to stop and start and come back when you are able to.
Will the course information expire or become irrelevant?
There is always more research being done in first aid and infant/small child care. For that reason, we will always be making updates to the course. However, if you are a part of our emailing list you will be notified when these changes have been made and what the changes are. You never lose access to the course.
How long do I have access to the course?
There is no expiration to your access to the course. You have access for life!
Isn't this information covered in my pre-natal course?
Unfortunately, no! That is one of the many reasons why we created Baby Basics. There is very little overlap with prenatal education workshops because their main focus is on preparation for birth and the first few days following. This course is focused on the health and safety of infants